Lab 7 - Serial Communication 2 and Handshaking
For this lab we were doing more advanced serial communication with the arduino and processing. I used 2 pins of an accelerometer and a pot. The hardest part of this lab is the handshaking aspect. The reason it is tricky is because the different types, punctuation and handshaking. The handshaking makes sure that the information does not get backed up in the buffer.
This arduino code sends the information in this format 0,0,0. The punctuation method would just be the code with out this function establishContact(); and this if(Serial.available()>0) . With these 2 parts, we establish the handshake method between the arduino and processing. When the “hello” is sent from the arduino code, the processing code picks it up and sends back a character. This enables processing to get information when it needs it.
Arduino Code
int analogOne = 0; // analog input
int analogTwo = 1; // analog input
int analogThree = 2; // digital input
int sensorValue = 0; // reading from the sensor
void setup() {
// configure the serial connection:
// configure the digital input:
// pinMode(digitalOne, INPUT);
void loop() {
// read the sensor:
sensorValue = analogRead(analogOne);
// print the results:
Serial.print(sensorValue, DEC);
// read the sensor:
sensorValue = analogRead(analogTwo);
// print the results:
Serial.print(sensorValue, DEC);
// read the sensor:
sensorValue = analogRead(analogThree);
// print the last sensor value with a println() so that
// each set of four readings prints on a line by itself:
Serial.println(sensorValue, DEC);
void establishContact() {
while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
Serial.println(“hello”); // send a starting message
Processing Code
import processing.serial.*; // import the Processing serial library
Serial myPort; // The serial port
float bgcolor; // Background color
float fgcolor; // Fill color
float xpos, ypos; // Starting position of the ball
boolean firstContact = false; // Whether we’ve heard from the microcontroller
void setup() {
// List all the available serial ports
// I know that the first port in the serial list on my mac
// is always my Arduino module, so I open Serial.list()[0].
// Change the 0 to the appropriate number of the serial port
// that your microcontroller is attached to.
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
// read bytes into a buffer until you get a linefeed (ASCII 10):
void draw() {
fill(random(255),fgcolor,random(255), random(255));
// Draw the shape
ellipse(xpos, ypos, 100, 100);
// serialEvent method is run automatically by the Processing applet
// whenever the buffer reaches the byte value set in the bufferUntil()
// method in the setup():
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
// read the serial buffer:
String myString = myPort.readStringUntil(‘n’);
// if you got any bytes other than the linefeed:
if (myString != null) {
myString = trim(myString);
if (firstContact == false) {
if (myString.equals(“hello”)) {
myPort.clear(); // clear the serial port buffer
firstContact = true; // you’ve had first contact from the microcontroller
myPort.write(‘A’); // ask for more
// split the string at the commas
// and convert the sections into integers:
int sensors[] = int(split(myString, ‘,’));
// print out the values you got:
for (int sensorNum = 0; sensorNum < sensors.length; sensorNum++) {
print(“Sensor ” + sensorNum + “: ” + sensors[sensorNum] + “t”);
// add a linefeed after all the sensor values are printed:
if (sensors.length > 1) {
xpos = map(sensors[0], 0,400,0,width/2);
ypos = map(sensors[1], 0,400,0,height/2);
fgcolor = sensors[2] / 4;