Traveling Exhibits
In the article, the author mentions traveling exhibits giving museums a possibility to refresh there space. Also mentioned is the fact that museums more and more are lending themselves to this sort of work. I think this might be vital to a museums strive to stay relevant. It helps strengthen collections of museums and provide the possibility of collaborating with other institutions help forge a stronger collection and ultimately a better exhibits.
The traveling exhibit besides attracting people to visit; it helps gauge community interest in subjects. I can also see it helping museums decide on what areas to invest more in. The traveling exhibits can inform museums about new interactions and styles that can help redesigning of there permanent exhibits. With larger museums, they have the opportunity of aiding smaller museums and being able to create a community of knowledge in areas that might not have the access that a larger museum might. Being able to show multiple collections and create stronger exhibits is great for museums because it shows patrons the very best. This helps museums retain a level of quality not possible on there own.
One of the interesting thing about the traveling exhibits is the design challenge they pose. Being able to make modular exhibits that retain logical order is an interesting challenge. When we talk about light design and construction having to decide what to sacrifice becomes a tough choice. What we give up in terms of functionality is a topic of much interest to me. As exhibits become more interactive, how we can automate and make this setup easier to run could lead to some changes on the hardware end of things. If this trend becomes more common place how spaces and the exhibit can transform to accommodate the changing layouts and people could lead to interesting studies on how these traveling exhibits are experienced.